
Orange Sandwich Stand

Orange Sandwich Stand

Orange Sandwich Stand

The product is made by Otimsan.

If you would like a similar study, please contact us.

As Otimsan, we offer solutions for the visual, signage and orientation of qualified buildings, from design to assembly. We create a comprehensive project package according to the size of the project.

Space design is important for the good development of architectural spaces. The area is a space that needs to be defined, and in the phase from ancient times to the present, space designs that reflect cultures, in which both personal and social relations are intertwined, have been formed. Today, the routing designer combines his unique communication, visual and symbolic languages ​​with a wide variety of practices to reveal the routing design examples seen in the urban and architectural field.
Designers have started to produce projects in the architectural and urban areas by using the materials and design powers they have. This has created a new field, the concept of environmental graphic design.

Routing is the exchange of information between communication senders and receivers, and communication design plans by which means and how this action should be done. In order to provide better communication between people and places, routing design, environmental graphic design and signage design, which are a new expansion, have emerged.

Moreover, he has the individual experiences of his previous experiences and his own personal, emotional abilities. Additionally, it is important to remember the nervousness or anxiety of first-time users of complex environments. There are differences in the ability of users to be environmentally conscious and act in the environment and achieve desired goals.

A good orientation responds to the needs of a new user every time he enters a foreign environment, offering guidance from the beginning of the journey to successfully reaching the desired destination.

Product features:

Suitable for both indoor (indoor) and outdoor (open area) use

Protected acrylic (it is more durable than the glass known for its specially produced structure against impacts and scratches, allowing the product to be used for many years without any problems)

Applying a logo (Makes your referral look completely unique to you.)