
Compress Menu Board

  • Sıkıştırmalı Menü Tahtası
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Compress Menu Board

Compress Menu Board

Restaurant Menu & Information Board

It is a restaurant menu board designed to display your menu images effectively. It allows you to easily show your menus to your guests. Thanks to its base, it is suitable for table use. Thanks to its clips, you can easily attach your menu and images to the floor.

Ideal for bar and restaurant menus. Suitable for using at weddings and parties for frequently changing menus. It is easy to use, menu changing is practical.
The way these menu boards are manufactured means you can have absolutely any wood color or pattern. With this, we can laser print any logo you need, laser cut and laser engrave, as well as etch and powder coat these menu boards.

Designers have started to produce projects in the architectural and urban areas by using the materials and design powers they have. This has created a new field, the concept of environmental graphic design.

:Compressed Menu Board, Environmental Graphic Design, Orientation, Direction Finding, Signs, Information Designs, Graphic Design, Marking Systems, Navigation Systems, Architectural Graphic Design, Interior Architecture and Graphic Design.

:Compressed Menu Board, Environmental Graphic Design, Orientation, Direction Finding, Signs, Information Designs, Graphic Design, Marking Systems, Navigation Systems, Architectural Graphic Design, Interior Architecture and Graphic Design.

:Compressed Menu Board, Environmental Graphic Design, Orientation, Direction Finding, Signs, Information Designs, Graphic Design, Marking Systems, Navigation Systems, Architectural Graphic Design, Interior Architecture and Graphic Design.