
Vakıf Bank

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Vakıf Bank

Vakıf Bank

Orientation and Placement was specially made by Otimsan.

Designing all visual and graphic works on the walls and glass partitions in the retirement building in 2D and 3D alternatively, and scaling and applying the finally decided works according to the production technique.

Vakıf Emeklilik is a pension company based in Türkiye. Operating in the pension sector, the company offers pension and savings plans to individual and corporate customers. Vakıf Emeklilik is a private pension company operating within the framework of the Turkish pension system.

It offers long-term savings and investment solutions to its customers. The company helps its clients save for retirement and manages pension funds to provide financial security. These funds try to increase the savings of customers by evaluating them.

It offers different products and services such as individual pension plans, group pension plans and corporate pension solutions. Individual retirement plans aim to save individuals for their own future and to provide financial security during retirement. Group pension plans, on the other hand, allow companies to offer retirement benefits to their employees. Corporate retirement solutions, on the other hand, offer customized retirement plans to corporate customers.

Manages pension funds by a professional team. Investment professionals evaluate various financial instruments and develop investment strategies for the effective management of pension funds.

Space design is important for the good development of architectural spaces. The area is a space that needs to be defined, and in the phase from ancient times to the present, space designs that reflect cultures, in which both personal and social relations are intertwined, have been formed. Today, the routing designer combines his unique communication, visual and symbolic languages with a wide variety of practices to reveal the routing design examples seen in the urban and architectural field.

Designers have started to produce projects in the architectural and urban areas by using the materials and design powers they have. This has created a new field, the concept of environmental graphic design.

Routing is the exchange of information between communication senders and receivers, and communication design plans by which means and how this action should be done. In order to provide better communication between people and places, routing design, environmental graphic design and signage design, which are a new expansion, have emerged.